DeepCL  v4.0.0rc5
Deep convolutional neural networks using OpenCL
 All Classes Functions
Layer Member List

This is the complete list of members for Layer, including all inherited members.

asString() const Layer
backProp(float learningRate)Layer
getBiased() const Layer
getBiasWeightsSize() const Layer
getOutputCubeSize() const Layer
getOutputImageSize() const Layer
getOutputPlanes() const Layer
getPersistSize() const =0Layerpure virtual
getResults()=0Layerpure virtual
getResultsSize() const =0Layerpure virtual
getWeightsSize() const Layer
hasResultsWrapper() const Layer
Layer(Layer *previousLayer, LayerMaker2 *maker)Layer
persistToArray(float *array)Layer
setBatchSize(int batchSize)Layer
setTraining(bool training)Layer
unpersistFromArray(float const *array)Layer